Despite observations that we are currently experiencing the ‘death of TV’, television shows no sign of giving up the ghost to newer media. The ubiquitous presence of TV—in our living rooms, bedrooms, and even kitchens—demands critical attention. This class will use a variety of approaches to assess the material, rhetorical, and cultural impact of a medium that many people seem eager to dismiss. But is it? Why do people continue to tune in? How has television adapted to the new media environment? What does the future of TV look like? This blog will consider all these questions and more.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Zombie Orgies, Blood, and Southern Hospitality: Just Another Day in Bon Temps

countdown to True Blood Season 3 Premiere: 7 days

One night I was bored flipping through channels when I stumbled upon what looked liked the girl from that movie The Piano only like, twenty years older, and she was getting the shit beat out of her. Some red-neck guy literally was bashing her face in with a chain and she was spewing blood for miles. Startled by this extreme violence and secret happiness (that little girl from The Piano needed a good ass whooping for telling on her mom... another story for another time..) I quickly read the information guide to see what the hell I was watching, and turns out I was watching the last thirty seconds of a new show called True Blood, and it was going to be airing again in five minutes. In that small window of thirty seconds, a love affair was born for blood, southern accents, and sexy waitresses. I became addicted, and by the end of the second season, I became obsessed. I mean, what kind of show can include southern hospitality, zombie orgies, cannibalism, Greek Mythology, blood, and the little girl from The Piano... For the past 8 months I have been trying to find substitutes to curb my appetite while I wait for the new season of the show. Dexter, Hung (didn't like.. sorry), Big Love, The Tudors, House, watching all the seasons of Law and Order SVU in order, Fringe, Nip/Tuck, House, Flashforward, The Good Wife, and Justified offered nothing but a small distraction from my obsession.

Until now...

The premiere is seven days away, and Creator Alan Ball knows that there are tons of people like me out there so he designed an advertising campaign to literally drive me crazy. HBO decided to start re-running the series every Sunday night for an encore performance, and after each episode they aired a short minisode called "A Drop of Blood," that reflects the time in between seasons 2 and 3. Then, on every Wednesday they released a new promotional poster online that hints at themes and characters to come during season three. HBO knows how to give an addict just enough to satisfy every little they might have. Here are some interesting tid-bits....

Yah, so for the past four weeks I have been obsessively googling True Blood Minisodes, and promo posters. They are pretty funny too, I mean the idea of literally drinking a cup of your friend Joe is deliciously gross. There are plenty more... This season looks like we are going to be in for werewolves, Tara getting in more fucked up situations, blood, Eric- Sookie- Bill love triangle, hot naked bodies, a dramatic search for Vampire Bill, and Anna Paquin screaming her brains out. But I haven't been completely honest here, the main reason why I am tuning is this season is to see Alexander Skarsgard naked. Yes. I admitted it. One of the only reasons I enjoy this show is the gratuitous male and female nudity. I want to see Sookie and Eric get it on. After watching the True Blood Ultimate Fan Experience a couple nights ago, some spoilers were revealed and here are also rumors circulating about the show...
  1. Alexander Skarsgard mentioned he is involved in an extremely twisted sex scene perhaps the most twisted sex scene to ever be on tv and after those zombie orgies I don't know how they will beat that...
  2. Someone is getting a new hair do, and I hope it is Bill because his hair piece in the middle of season two looked like Jim Carrey's hair from Dumb and Dumber, only vampired up...(listen to Stephen explain Bill's hair here...)
  3. Three characters are going to be shot in the head early on. My guesses; Arlene because other than Sookie, every waitress has been killed at Merlottes, and she got a job on The Good Wife... Terry Bellefleur because he is dating Arlene... and my pick for number 3??? A tie between Lafayette because he wants to be a vampire, and Hoyt because he is a goody two shoes.
  4. This season will focus on characters exploring their dark side.
  5. Bill, Eric, Jason, or Sam will have sex with the Vampire King of Louisiana's boyfriend (consequences anyone??? my bet is on Eric...)
So now all I have to do is get out of my short term relationships with Justified and The Tudors and then I can focus all my attention to Eric Northman and Sookie Stackhouse. As Bill says in the new trailer, "we were doomed from the start..."


  1. I am so glad another person in the class has a little vamp obsession ;-) I have to admit I am still just getting caught up on the first season but I LOVE IT! A couple of my friends kept asking me if I had seen this show and that I will totally become addicted to it. I watched the first episode and was hooked. It is our goal to get me caught up on the seasons; so now we actually have True Blood nights and watch 2 to 3 in a row!

    The only relatively negative comment I could make would be about the opening sequence of the show. What is up with that? We always just fast forward through it. I mean you have to admit that it is just a tad bit creepy and long! Is it the same for all the seasons?

    Anyways, looking forward to all that you have to say!

  2. I love True Blood! I remember hearing about this crazy new show two years ago about vampires, and having a big hatred for Twilight I hesitated to watch it. But I just kept hearing about this True Blood show. I watched the first episode late one night when 5 episodes were available, and I think I watched all 5 over the next 24 hours. It has a great balance of trashy entertainment and being a well written quality production.

    On a side note, I took a Greek and Roman Comedy class during Maymester and on the final there was a question asking: "what were the names of the followers of Dionysus." Because of True Blood I knew they were called Mynads. My Tv addiction is paying off...
