Despite observations that we are currently experiencing the ‘death of TV’, television shows no sign of giving up the ghost to newer media. The ubiquitous presence of TV—in our living rooms, bedrooms, and even kitchens—demands critical attention. This class will use a variety of approaches to assess the material, rhetorical, and cultural impact of a medium that many people seem eager to dismiss. But is it? Why do people continue to tune in? How has television adapted to the new media environment? What does the future of TV look like? This blog will consider all these questions and more.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Entourage: Too Much... Too Late?

With HBO’s hit series, Entourage, set to air its 7th and final season later this month (Sunday, June 27th to be exact) -- I think all of us can safely say we know what’s coming. From the pilot episode to last season’s finale, not a lot has changed.

Over the past 6 seasons, Vince (and the gang) have had their ups and downs, but have ultimately come out on top. Vince gets the girls, Drama gets made fun of, E works, and Turtle is, more or less, along for the ride. Since seasons 1 - 6 basically followed that format, I figured season 7 would be no different. But after watching the trailer, it looks like the writers have finally decided to do something different. Last season was certainly more dramatic, but season 7 will be even more so. See for yourself.

It looks like boys are finally growing up. Vince is serious about his career again, Drama finally found work, E is getting married, and even Turtle is making something of himself. Quite frankly -- it’s too late. With the season 7 trailer as proof, Entourage seems to be shifting from genres, from a comedy to a drama. In the beginning seasons, it was basically one joke after another, though these days, the jokes (and the laughs) seem to be more forced. One of Entourage’s funniest scenes: (from Season 2)

Is it just me, or is too late for the writers to change their mind? Honestly, I was happy with the way the way things were. After all, Vinny Chase and the boys are living a fantasy, who said it needed to get real? Which leads to my next point.

As big of an Entourage fan as I am, I couldn’t honestly tell you why. Is the acting that good? No. Actually, it’s bordering on bad. Is the plot that good? No. Perhaps it is because it gives us all a personal behind-the-scenes look into Hollywood and the business of the business. Maybe it’s because Vince and the guys seem to live in a dream world. They are essentially thirty-year-old kids who do whatever they want. They (Vince) have more money than they can spend, chase girls, party and do drugs. If that’s not the American dream then I don’t know what is. And on top of it all: there’s no hangover. That is why we are all drawn to Entourage. For 30 minutes a week, we can all live in this fantasy world. I can only speak for myself, but I love that world.

Society is drawn to celebrities and those who have essentially made it. This show takes a closer look into the all too dreamy lives these individuals lead. It’s possible that Entourage has done so well due to this fact alone. Not only does it give a glimpse of the world celebrities live in, but it does so in such an authentic way. After all, this show is loosely based on Hollywood heavyweight Mark Wahlberg’s life. This show features actual Hollywood actors, writers, producers, and executives: the real people behind the movie business. Perhaps that is what gives this show such credibility. Including real life celebrities and movie stars give this show a sense of reality -- in a world that is all too unreal to most everyone watching.


  1. you know i've loved entourage for quite sometime although i will admit i kind of gave up when the formatting of the show and the plot seemed to always go in the same direction with it being will vince be a star or will he not.. oh well either way these guys are gonna continue partying their asses of and probably getting a plethora of girls along the way. i'm very intrigued to hear that perhaps all this might change with the new "dramafication" of the series. i'm not necessarily up to date on the drama and the jokes currently but reading your blog along with watching the trailer for this season makes me want to catch up in the lives of the boys... also honestly what type of business is turtle running that he gets to hang with so many fine ladies sporting very school girlish looks?

  2. I am also an Entourage fan and agree with you on everything except for one thing. What started as an interesting story about a promising young actor and his close friends has suddenly become a dramatic television series for men. I agree with everything in your blog except I cling to one part of your analysis. In the second to last paragraph you say: "It looks like boys are finally growing up." I personally continue to watch Entourage because I enjoy watching the guys grow and develop over the last few seasons and wish to see where they ultimately end up.

  3. I am torn over my feelings for Entourage.I remember being completely addicted throughout the first few seasons, but then I felt like it just began to wander through plot lines. Yet it was still entertaining. It was like a guys Sex and the City. I felt like season 6 was a great step up and I'm excited to see where they take the characters with a final end game in sight.

  4. I was an addicted viewer of the show Entourage for the first few seasons. My attention for it lessened though over time because I found that the story line became quite boring and almost cyclical. Vince would would try for another big hit, Drama would get made fun of, E worked his ass off (albeit stressed), and well.. Turtle just smoked a lot of weed. My hope is that with this upcoming season the writers of Entourage will develop some deeper characters while still retaining their glamorous lifestyle of partying in the presence of beautiful women. With that being said I do think the characters have grown up some over the years, and after reading your blog, would like to get back into the show and see what season 7 beholds.
