I have to admit to the world that yes, I did read the books and was a Twilight fan when the movie first came out but now I just laugh about all the gossip and craziness surrounding all the actors. I especially get a kick out of all the hormone crazed fans who go crazy just hearing “Edward” ahhhhhhh!! Or “Jacob” ohhhahhhh!! I find it fascinating that Jimmy Kimmel dedicated an entire show to the new movie and actually got the entire cast to come on the show all together.
What’s even more amazing is at times when everybody was laughing Kristen Stewart didn’t look like she was so constipated! What a shocker! Throughout the entire show Jimmy Kimmel was playing up the fact that fans go crazy for Jacob, Bella, and Edward or Taylor, Kristen, and Robert. To me that was the funniest part, seeing him trying to make them feel uncomfortable…especially Kristen.
You know you would think after all this publicity and how much this series has shot up her career, that maybe, just maybe, she would actually look happy to be promoting her “golden goose”, if you will. I mean she is either stoned out of her mind or just cannot deal with any sort of attention on her as a person. She rarely looks at the audience and whenever she is speaking or someone else is, she tries to hold their eye contact. You can just hear her saying, “don’t look away, don’t look away, keep talking”.
The best part of the show was when Jimmy Kimmel introduced the “original cast” aka the Jersey Shore crew. Of course this entailed their interpretation of the upcoming movie. I have to say it's one of the funniest things ever. It is too good for words! You just have to watch it yourself. Click on the link and you can watch the entire episode. Enjoy, it is definitely laugh out loud!
I love anything that involves making fun of the most anti-female empowerment series of this generation. But the fact that Jimmy got the Jersey Shore kids to do a spoof on it makes this something to be cherished.