I, like my others in this class, had never blogged before, and was a little turned off by it. I admit it, I had some stereotypical thoughts about blogging and thought it was nerdy. But, after blogging for this class, I have a completely new view. It is a forum that allows for much discussion that would’ve otherwise gone unmentioned. I had certainly thought about what TV shows and mainstream movies are trying to hint at, tell us and so forth but this class increased my knowledge of that greatly. Not only did the subject material help, but the insight of fellow classmates really got me thinking.
As far as what I struggled with in this class, I had trouble narrowing down my ideas. Once I watched a show and began blogging, I had trouble keeping my conclusions narrow. I just felt that there is an infinite number of ways to looking at each and every show that has been blogged about in this class. It was hard for me to pick one. Another thing that I had a hard time with was changing the structure of my blogs - maybe that’s not a bad thing though. I thought about this when writing, and ultimately didn’t worry too much about it too much, as I thought that it established my personality, something that is important when blogging. I like to think of myself as a good writer, and I genuinely enjoy writing, so it was tough for me to break out of my comfort zone. Having this class formed around blogging rather than simply essays is a great way to do that. It was interesting to read a blog and get this sense of voice from classmates, and then relating that to who they were in person.
I think that I share with many other classmates in that I enjoyed being able to watch whatever show we wanted and to be able to write about whatever angle we wanted. If we were confined to specific shows, I feel that this class wouldn’t have been nearly as beneficial to all of us. I was fairly happy with the content of most of my blogs, however I did do a decent amount of tweaking when I went back through. I focused on cleaning them up, trimming the fat, in a sense. I tend to get carried away and drag on about certain points so I aimed to eliminate some of the overlap. I also worked on the appearance of them, and put videos directly in the blogs rather than links to you tube. I learned that appearances, paragraph length, and voice were all-important things to consider when blogging. Though the ideas and content are the crucial, if you are lacking in the other areas, you blog may be overlooked. It is really important to consider the audience (something that I knew, but didn’t necessarily put too much thought into).
This class has certainly changed my outlook on TV and mainstream media in general. While I had certainly thought about it before, I am much more aware of what shows are getting at when watching now. I am a much more educated viewer than I was. In the past it would’ve been easy to get lost in a show, and think its only goal was to make you laugh, cry, etc…but now I realize that shows go a lot deeper than simply getting emotional reactions from people. All in all, there is a lot more to the TV business in general than I thought. While I have always had respect for Hollywood writers and the people who come up with these ideas, I really am amazed at how complicated shows are today.